Posts in Startups & SME Advice
A Guide to Business Bank Accounts in the UK for Startups

Small businesses play a crucial role in the UK economy, and small business owners have a significant impact on contributing to its growth and prosperity. In this blog, we will explore the small business landscape in the UK, the various types of grants available, and how Dragon Argent, can help you secure these grants.

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Small Business Aspirations, Big Grants: Your Route to Funding

Small businesses play a crucial role in the UK economy, and small business owners have a significant impact on contributing to its growth and prosperity. In this blog, we will explore the small business landscape in the UK, the various types of grants available, and how Dragon Argent, can help you secure these grants.

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Do you know your duties as a director?

Becoming a director is a significant achievement in any career (congratulations!), but with the achievement comes many responsibilities and the need to make significant decisions for the company. Your general legal duties are summarised in this article and you should make sure that you are familiar with and understand these fully.

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What are the benefits of outsourcing your finance function?

Outsourcing your finance function can free up time and resources better spent elsewhere. And offers reassurance that your business is compliant with the finance laws and regulations applicable to your business. In this article, we explore some of the common drivers, and benefits of, outsourcing elements of your back office finance and accounting function.

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Business Immigration: The Importance of Right to Work Checks

An employer’s obligation to carry out right to work checks on their employees is mandatory and there are serious consequences if an employer gets it wrong. Now, more than ever, it is important that you are protecting your business and avoiding unnecessary risks by conducting the prescribed right to work checks.

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Part-year workers entitled to paid full-time holiday

It’s been almost a year since the landmark case of Harpur Trust v Brazel ruled that permanent part-year workers are entitled to receive the same paid holiday leave entitlement as full-time or part-time workers. If like many, you still don’t quite understand what it means for you, as an employer, in practice, our Employment law solicitor Didi Ogbo has broken down the case and its impact on employers in today’s article.

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