Posts in Human Resources
Employment Law Solicitor Advice: Employment Law Changes in 2021

For many small businesses, the end of 2020 may well have been spent trying to navigate the latest rounds of COVID related tier changes, lockdowns and 11th hour interpretations of the last-minute Brexit agreement. As a business owner, I’m sure you are looking forward to a time when you can simply focus on running your business without the rolling waves of external factors that characterised 2020!

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Job Support Scheme Amendments

Last week the Chancellor announced amendments to the Job Support Scheme, which was itself replacing the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and comes into effect on November 1st. These amendments have been designed to increase support for businesses and workers. The government say the Plan for Jobs will significantly increase protection of livelihoods and jobs across the UK through the winter.

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Tax Relief on Working from Home

For obvious reasons, the way we work has changed over the course of 2020. What initially felt like a temporary, enforced adjustment has become a fundamental shift with businesses committing longer term to a more flexible approach to office-based working. There are specific tax relief implications that a material shift from office-based working may result in for employees or salaried directors. Here, Dragon Argent assess the tax relief benefits of working remotely.

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Job Support Scheme Summary

Last week, the Government announced the introduction of the Job Support Scheme, which replaces the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and is designed to protect viable jobs in businesses who are facing lower demand over the winter months due to Covid-19. The scheme will open on 1 November 2020 and run for 6 months.

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Redundancy Planning Webinar

With UK government support in the shape of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) in the final stages of being tapered off, the ability for employers to furlough staff ends on October 31st. For some employers this will lead to difficult redundancy decisions, which, if handled incorrectly, could open them up to litigation in the future. This webinar discussion will provide employers with some clear advice on how to manage redundancy processes.

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